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Enterprise and green productivity development strategy

The concept of Green Productivity (NSX) is a strategy to improve productivity and environmental quality for overall socio-economic development activities.

(VietQ.vn) -The concept of Green Productivity (NSX) is a strategy to improve productivity and environmental quality for overall socio-economic development activities.

Therefore, NSX was launched by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) in 1994, moving from the combination of two important strategies: productivity improvement and environmental protection. Productivity provides the basis for continuous development, while protecting the environment provides the foundation for sustainable development. NSX is a strategy to improve productivity and environmental quality for overall socio-economic development activities. It is a combination of appropriate tools, techniques and technologies to reduce the environmental impacts of an organization's activities, goods, and services.

Green productivity can be applied not only in industry but also in agriculture and service sectors. Green productivity also points to the relationship between economic activities and community development. Green productivity combines the application of many different technologies, including emission and waste prevention, energy conservation, pollution control and environmental management systems.

In the process of finding a good and sustainable environment, Green Productivity is promoted and encouraged to be applied globally. Environmental protection is the responsibility of every country in the world and Green productivity is the key to sustainable development.

Since 1998, the Vietnam Productivity Center (VPC) under the Directorate for Standards - Metrology and Quality has started implementing the Green Product Point Program (GPDP) through the implementation of the SPE- GPDP-98-2058 is sponsored by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO). With the financial support and expertise of APO, the active participation and support of the provincial Departments of Science, Technology and Environment, the best efforts of VPC officials and supporting units. domestic technical assistance, and especially the support and agreement of the local leaders as well as the villagers where the project was implemented, the first phase of the GPDP project was successfully implemented in 3 communities. residents in Bac Giang and Cu Chi. The results obtained from the project are very commendable and highly appreciated by the APO and National Productivity Organizations in the region.

Through the Green Product scoring program, the quality of life and environmental conditions of the people have been significantly improved through the implementation of a series of Green Productivity solutions such as applying biogas techniques to solve problems. To address human and animal faeces, build a centralized water supply station to ensure clean water supply for people, apply integrated pest control (IPM) to reduce pesticide and chemical fertilizer. After evaluating the effectiveness of the project in phase I, APO and VPC decided to expand the Phase II Green Product Project to 7 other communities in Vinh Long, Can Tho, Phu Yen, Hue and Da. Nang, Ninh Binh and Hoa Binh. Once again, the Green Productivity Program has confirmed its strengths.

In addition to green productivity solutions that focus primarily on environmental protection, a range of other solutions focus on community development such as mushroom cultivation, worm farming, adoption of energy-efficient kitchen models, to make fish sauce and develop vermicelli making career etc. have been proposed, responded and actively participated in by the people. The success of the Green Productivity Program Phase I and Phase II has attracted the participation of other localities. VPC is currently implementing the Green Productivity - Community Development project for more than 80 communities in 21 provinces and plans to expand to spread across provinces and cities nationwide. The goal of the Green Productivity Program in Vietnam is to improve socio-economic conditions as well as solve basic environmental issues in the localities, and expand the project to apply to the industry. The approach for industries is to combine Green Productivity techniques and Environmental Management Systems according to ISO 14000. The first companies to apply were Hoang Thach Cement Company and Sai Son Cement Company.

In addition, VPC is also conducting activities to promote Green Productivity through providing training courses at various levels. These training courses focus on providing consultants, businesses and research institutes with relevant information and knowledge, ISO 14000 and improved tools for Productivity and environmental protection other.

Vietnam is the first country to apply Green Productivity in the community, so the results and experience gained from the project will be very useful not only for promoting the Green Productivity movement in the regions. Vietnam has also become a vivid model of community application for other countries in the region. The initial success of the Green Productivity Program for Communities in Vietnam is that these models are being continued to expand to communities in some countries such as Nepal, Malaysia ....